WMG -- World Masters Games 2013
2-11 aug i Turin, Italien
som ett "amatör-OS" -- med 29 olika sporter -- för veteraner,
och nu för första gången utanför Australien & Canada.
Ta med familjen till Italien i augusti, kombinera semester & denna multi-upplevelse där inte bara idrotten bidrar till evenemanget utan även omkringaktiviteter och turistattraktioner som du kan anmäla dig till i förväg (beskrivna på webbsidan, http://www.torino2013wmg.org/calendario?lang=en, Tours & Leisure Activities). Och din partner eller dina kompisar kanske vill deltaga i en annan sport -- Hur ofta får ni chansen att tävla i era olika sporter i samma tävling?
Detta är ingen samordnad veteranturnering för vår del (oss svenskar som vill deltaga), utan ANMÄLAN görs av var och en! Här lämnas endast information om att tävlingen finns. Men Ellen från Danmark har startat en Facebookgrupp för WMG: https://www.facebook.com/events/calendar#!/events/332744840133195/
Badmintonturneringen denna gång uppdelad i styrkeklasserna: Open, Competitive, Recreational (se nedan)
Och här kommer ett UTDRAG från arrangörens webbplats ( http://www.torino2013wmg.org/sport/badminton?lang=en )
- Team (Mixed)
- Individual (Men and Women)
- Doubles (Men, Women and Mixed)
- Open - For elite players who have competed at an international or national team level and for national, state or provincial master’s champions
- Competitive – For competitive players who have competed in state or provincial championships, elite club players and upper and middle grade local and interclub players.
- Recreational – For players who play in non-competitive or lower-grade club leagues, as well as social and casual players.
- Competitors may compete in a maximum of three individual events which can be any combination of singles, doubles and/or mixed doubles.
- Competitors must enter in the same grade in all individual events.
- Teams must enter in the grade of the highest level player.
- Individuals and pairs will be allocated to the grade entered; however, the Badminton Organizing Committee reserves the right to regrade competitors.
- Singles Men/Women: 35+, 40+, 45+, 50+, 55+, 60+, 65+, 70+, 75+, 80+
- Double Men/Women: 35+, 40+, 45+, 50+, 55+, 60+, 65+, 70+, 75+, 80+
- Mixed : 35+, 40+, 45+, 50+, 55+, 60+, 65+, 70+, 75+, 80+
- Age determined at 31 December 2013.
- The age of the youngest player in the doubles pair will determine the age category of the team/couple
- Competitors can enter into a maximum of one team.
- 2-10 August
- Mixed teams must have a minimum three men and three women, with a maximum of four men and four women.
- A mixed team tie will consist of three men’s doubles, three women’s doubles and thremixed doubles.
- Players are expected to umpire their own matches, with score sheets signed by both competing players/one player from each doubles pair. Roving officials may be available to assist as required.
- Competitors may be asked to assist with officiating. Officials will be provided for all matches in medal rounds subject to availability.
- Each team is required to provide an Assistant Referee for the Games (all the details will be available in the sport guide). The Assistant Referee may be a player on the team, or part of team support personnel. In the event a team does not provide an Assistant Referee, they will be required to pay a fee of € 100 which will be payable in the Game Center upon arrival.